Out for Undergrad (O4U) Introduces New Senior Leaders

Out for Undergrad
3 min readJan 20, 2020


Out for Undergrad (O4U) began 2020 with the introduction of two new senior leaders: Dr. Thomas Vance and Javier Bonilla. Dr. Thomas Vance, Ph.D. is a post doctoral Fellow at The New School and joins O4U as a Board Member, and Javier Bonilla joins as new Managing Director of Corporate Partnerships and Development.

Michael Ruderman, O4U Board Chair, said:

“The appointments of Javier Bonilla and Dr. Thomas Vance affirm O4U’s commitments to our partners and our students. With Javier, we are deepening our bench of talent to grow and deepen our corporate partnerships. And with Vance, we are furthering our organizational expertise for students on mental health, LGBTQ+ identity, intersectionality and inclusion. I’m excited for O4U’s future to be even brighter with their expertise and leadership.”

Vance was named to the 2019 Business Equality Network 40 Under 40 LGBT Leaders. His M.A.Ed. and PhD degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Counseling Psychology are from The University of Akron. He completed his clinical psychology pre-doctoral internship at Boston University School of Medicine, specifically at The Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology (CMTP) and a Postdoctoral Research and Clinical Fellowship at Columbia University Medical Center in the department of Psychiatry. Vance’s research program focuses on the experiences and well-being of populations with multiple stigmatized identities, such as racial/ethnic minority and LGBTQ people of color.

Bonilla most recently served as Implementation Manager at JP Morgan Chase and Company. He has extensive experience in not-for-profit volunteer work in Los Angeles County with LAUP, focusing on affordability, accessibility and quality of education, successful partnerships with schools, families, and communities and overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers.

At O4U’s Director Kick-Off, board members and advisors joined Vance and Bonilla in welcoming 55 young professionals to plan the 2020 O4U Conferences in the Business, Marketing, Tech and Engineering fields. These volunteers represent the world’s leading multinational corporations and fast emerging start-ups, and throughout the year they will continue working towards O4U’s mission to help LGBTQ+ undergraduates reach their full potential and foster inclusion in the workplace.

Cindi Love, O4U Executive Director, said:

“Since 2004, O4U’s thought leadership and intentionality in training emerging leaders have catalyzed the conversation around diversity in corporate recruiting and retention as a result of inclusion. In 2020, O4U will introduce more than 1000 of the highest achieving LGBTQ and otherwise diverse undergraduates to the leading firms in our four industry sectors. We are telling our students to bring their whole selves to work, and therefore, their best selves to work. When corporations make a similar commitment to create open and supportive operating climates, everyone wins — employers, employees and customers.”

O4U is sponsored by 167 of the leading corporations in the USA, the majority of who rank at 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index (CEI). All student attendance expenses are fully underwritten by corporate sponsorships. More than 5000 students have

graduated from O4U Conferences since 2004 and in 2019, O4U admitted its largest and most diverse class in its history, LGBTQ and more than 50 percent non-white.

Cindi Love
Executive Director
Out for Undergrad

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