Out for Undergrad & Queer Capita Team Up To Kick Off Music Mentorship
Just in time for a new academic year, New York-based non-profit organization Queer Capita (@queercapita) partners with LGBTQ2+ organization Out For Undergrad (@outforundergrad) as part of their 2022 Marketing Conference programmatic offerings. By working with O4U Marketing to create a pilot mentorship program for undergraduate students interested in the music and entertainment industries, Queer Capita has helped provide an opportunity for LGBTQ2+ students to learn from some of the music’s industry’s top executives. The program has included executive mentors from companies such as Atlantic Records, Luminate, YouTube Music, Google, Warner Music Group, mtheory, and the Music Business Association.
O4U has provided industry-specific educational opportunities since 2004, with a reach to over 1,000 LGBTQ2+ undergraduate students annually. Each year, the organization hosts four conferences focused on marketing, business, tech, and engineering. This year is the first time the O4U Marketing Conference is introducing an entertainment industry-specific educational opportunity for students in advance of the conference. As a kick-off, Queer Capita has teamed up with O4U for this to provide not only one-on-one and group opportunities but also guest speakers and educational workshops related to music and entertainment.
Queer Capita was born out of the idea of connecting Queer people in the music industry and the advancement of opportunities for youth interested in the music profession. When thinking of how to further those actions with a 200+ member count, Shannon, head of the Impact Committee, jumped at the chance to expand Queer Capita’s impact to undergraduate students:
“Mentor/Mentee relationships can be an essential part of establishing a longstanding and meaningful career in the music industry but can be especially difficult for Queer young people to build given the lack of representation at the management level. One of our goals as an organization is to provide mentorship opportunities for young people looking to enter or engage with the music business. We’re proud to be working with Out For Undergrad to help facilitate the first ever music track opportunity for the LGBTQ+ students in their network and hope to expand on these opportunities for more students in the future.” — Shannon Bradley
To apply to attend an O4U conference, individuals must be LGBTQ2+-identifying undergraduate students interested in business, engineering, marketing, or tech.
To become a member of Queer Capita, you must be an industry professional who identifies as Queer or a recent grad/post-high school individual interested in the music industry.
Out for Undergraduate (O4U) is supported in its mission by more than 175 of the world’s largest corporations and hundreds of universities. Each year, O4U volunteers produce four leadership conferences for 1,000+ high achieving LGBTQ2+ undergraduates and directly introduce them to future employers. Host site sponsors have included JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Ogivly, Facebook, Twitter, Cisco, Cargill, PayPal, Boston Scientific, Stanford University and Pepsico. More than 7,000 LGBTQ2+ students have graduated from O4U. To learn more please visit www.outforundergrad.org.
Founded in 2021, Queer Capita is a professional networking and community non-profit organization dedicated to building a community of LGBTQ+ music industry professionals. The organization’s mission has been and will continue to be uniting the Queer workforce in the music space and expanding the members’ collective impact through effective partnerships, creating new pathways for Queer students and aspiring professionals, and advocating for career growth and advancement of every member. Queer Capita aims to help shape the music industry to be more inclusive and one where Queer professionals can work and thrive.